Publicado: dez. 1, 2012

Development of the merit system and the administrative career in Colombia. Context, application and limitations

Conteúdo do artigo principal

Augusto Álvarez Collazos
William Guillermo Jiménez Benítez

An attempt has been made to adopt the merit system, which is an essential element in the management of a modern state, in public administration in, this article seeks to establish the reasons for which the merit system has encountered difficulties in its application throughout the different stages of the administrative, The methodology applied is qualitative, consulting primary and secondary sources, applying the technique of documentary review and analysis, The indicate that the ineffectiveness of the system in mention is due more to questions of political culture than to a technical problem or to a matter of legal development

administrative career, merit system, public function, administration reform.

Augusto Álvarez Collazos, Escuela Superior de Administración Pública

Docente de tiempo completo Escuela Superior de Administración Pública
Álvarez Collazos, A., e Jiménez Benítez, W. G. (2012). Development of the merit system and the administrative career in Colombia. Context, application and limitations. Administración & Desarrollo, 40(56), 27–40.




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